Want to Blog?
This spot is intended for those who would like to talk about "Catholic issues" or maybe just "Life Issues."
I have a few "connections" below, which I hope to transfer to the "Links" column, once I learn how to do that. Right now another "blogger" has helped me borrow his settings and links. It will give an idea of what can be done. Take a look at some of them. Some I'll keep, some I might change.
Some connections to Franciscan Province of Santa Barbara, California Province
connect to http://franciscancards.com. - Source of Cards and home site of Poor Clare's in Spokane, WA.
or http://www.sbfranciscans.org. - Home site of our Franciscan Province of St. Barbara
or http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/anthony. - Home site related to former St. Anthony Seminary and alumni
Still need to find that "code" to create those neat "pop-up" boxes for people to reply to a post. And lots of other stuff about how to use these blogs. Suggestions welcome.
I'll just post my e-mail address for now: stanthonys1@cox.net
This spot is intended for those who would like to talk about "Catholic issues" or maybe just "Life Issues."
I have a few "connections" below, which I hope to transfer to the "Links" column, once I learn how to do that. Right now another "blogger" has helped me borrow his settings and links. It will give an idea of what can be done. Take a look at some of them. Some I'll keep, some I might change.
Some connections to Franciscan Province of Santa Barbara, California Province
connect to http://franciscancards.com. - Source of Cards and home site of Poor Clare's in Spokane, WA.
or http://www.sbfranciscans.org. - Home site of our Franciscan Province of St. Barbara
or http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/anthony. - Home site related to former St. Anthony Seminary and alumni
Still need to find that "code" to create those neat "pop-up" boxes for people to reply to a post. And lots of other stuff about how to use these blogs. Suggestions welcome.
I'll just post my e-mail address for now: stanthonys1@cox.net